
[名题精选] 2023届福建省漳州市高三上学期第一次教学质量检测

点击加关注👉 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09





Ferries(渡船)have clear advantages over cruises: you don’t keep bumping into the same people, and they are more environmentally sustainable. Plus, a passage on a Greek ferry costs just a tiny part of the price of a cruise voyage.

Some trips are economical: Piraeus to Rhodes takes 15 hours, but costs only £58 one-way. It pays to familiarize yourself with Greece using a good map and then start planning with a ferry booking site such as greekferries.gr, ferryhopper.com or UK-based directferries.com. You will see all the main tour operators(公司)and be offered fast boats which compete with traditional, slow-paced ferries; the former and sometimes sealed like aeroplanes, while the latter allow deck walks and views.

If you want to hop around, please have a look at the followings.

Top Tips

Going deck (economy)—which is even available on overnight trips—is a surefire way to save money.

When to go

The shoulder seasons of spring and autumn are ideal for a holiday in southern Europe. It isn’t the peak time for holidays; it has fewer tourists and lower accommodation prices.

Do it yourself

Wizz Air (wizzair.com) is offering flights from London to Athens in October from £34 return. A Ferryhopper booking for Athens-Paros-Mykonos-Kea-Athens over eight days in October came in at £101.

Perfect package

Med Experience (020 45717689; medexperience.com) is quoting(要价)£790 for a nine-day island-hopping holiday, including shared B&B accommodation, ferry tickets, tour manager and parties. Flights not included.

1.How many advantages of taking ferries are mentioned compared with cruises?

A.Two.      B.Three.      C.Four.      D.Five.

2.Which of the following can visitors get from the perfect package?

A.Accommodation and flights.      B.Ferry tickets and flights.

C.Souvenirs and ferry tickets.      D.Accommodation and tour manager.

3.What’s the main purpose of the passage?

A.To guide visitors to save money.      B.To compare ferries with cruises.

C.To introduce a travel route to Greece.      D.To recommend a travel agency.


George Turner, 48, owner of Penuel Bicycles in Inglewood, California, talks with respect about his childhood BMX dirt bike. “I was mad keen on cycling.” he says. “I did whatever it took to get on that bike, as long as I was home before dark.” Home meant housework, homework and annoying brothers. But a bike meant escapes.

In 2010, George transformed his childhood love into a livelihood, and opened his bicycle shop, Penuel Bicycles. The shop fulfilled a lifelong dream. Before that, he had worked for years delivering boxes for FedEx while selling bike accessories online.

“Bicycles kept me out of trouble,” George remembers. “They were part of my life.” He figured that was still true for kids when he opened Penuel Bicycles. George expected parents to crowd inside, eager to buy shiny new bikes for their kids. He looked forward to helping boys and girls discover the joy of riding — and stay out of trouble — just as he had.

None of that happened, however.

George found that kids these days lead a different life. Usually, they don’t want a bike for their birthday. And most of them ever don’t know how to ride a bike. Instead of getting out and riding, they prefer spending their time on their phones indoors. As kids don’t ride, it is impossible that parents crowd in his shop to buy new bikes. Nine years after opening his Penuel Bicycles, George feared that he had to close the shop.

Then in 2020, the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation. Surprisingly, the pandemic saved George’s business. During the pandemic, many American people found that cycling was a good way to exercise and also a safe way to get around. The demand for new bikes kept growing and people in George’s neighborhood pulled out their old bikes and wheeled them to Penuel Bicycles to get repaired. Now he is trying his best to meet his customers’ needs and hopes that his customers can really discover the joy of riding.

4.What did the bike mean to George in his childhood?

A.Taking up sports.      B.Getting away from daily routine.

C.A precious birthday gift.      D.A convenient vehicle.

5.What is George’s lifelong dream?

A.Making a big fortune.      B.Being a member of FedEx.

C.Opening his own bicycle shop.      D.Helping people pursue riding pleasure.

6Why was George’s bike business once in a tough situation?

A.The lifestyle of kids changed.      B.He wasn’t good at management.

C.Bikes were not as charming as before.      D.His business was affected by the pandemic.

7.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Joy of Wheel      B.Passion for Exercise

C.Improvement of Bike Business      D.Increasing Demand for New Bikes


Can you imagine there being a community where boys and girls growing up together can finally speak different languages? In Ubang Nigeria, it really happens. It’s not exactly clear what percentage of the words in the men’s and women’s languages are different, but there are enough examples to make sentences sound different when spoken by the opposite sex. For “clothing”, men use the word “nki”, while women say “ariga”; “kitchi” means tree for men, while women say “okweng”. These are not just some slight pronunciation differences, but totally different words. “It’s almost like two different lexicons (词汇集),” a language expert, Chi Chi Undle said. “There are a lot of words that men and women share in common, but there are others which are totally different depending on your sex. They don’t sound alike, and don’t have the same letters. They are completely different words.”

Interestingly, both men and women are able to understand each other perfectly in Ubang, as both boys and girls grow up around their parents and get to learn both languages, but by the age of 10, boys are expected to speak in the male tongue. It seems that there is a stage the male will reach and he discovers he is not using the rightful language. When he starts speaking the men’s language, you know the maturity is coming into him.

No one really knows how or why the double-language tradition of Ubang began. Chi Chi Undie believes the two languages are the result of a “double-sex culture” where men and women operate in two separate spheres (范围) and live in separate worlds that rarely come together. However, she admits this is a weak theory, as the double-sex culture is present in many parts of Africa, where there are no different languages for men and women.

Today, with English words constantly entering the lexicon of young Nigerians, Ubang’s two languages are in danger of being lost forever. Worse still, neither the male nor female language is written down, so they both rely on young people passing them down to the next generation.

8.What do we know about languages in Ubang?

A.Word differences account for a high percentage.

B.Men and women speak totally different languages.

C.Word differences partly exist between the opposite sex.

D.Men and women pronounce differently on the same word.

9.Why can me and women understand each other easily in Ubang?

A.Their lexicons sound alike.

B.They learn both languages at school.

C.The men can speak two different languages.

D.They are exposed to both languages in their childhood.

10.What does Chi Chi Undie want to explore in Paragraph 3?

A.The change of double-sex culture.

B.The theory of doube-sex culture.

C.The origin of double-language tradition.

DThe sphere of double-language tradition.

11.How does the author feel about the disappearing languages in Ubang?

A.Frightened.      B.Concerned.

C.Confused.      D.Stressed.


Could a sudden sharp increase in the size and variety of ancient life have been linked to dramatic changes deep inside the Earth? About 550 million years agoin the Cambrian (寒武纪)period of prehistory so many new animals appeared that the event is referred to as the “Cambrian explosion”. Scientists have long wondered whattriggeredthe change, after billions of years in which life was mostly extremely small. Now it seems that the formation of Earth’s inner core—a solid iron ball at the centre of Earth—was crucial.

The inner core lies about 3,000 miles below Earth’s surface and is 1,500 miles across. It is surrounded by a liquid-metal outer core and is slowly growing as the liquid metal cools. Heat from the inner core powers swirling (旋转)movements in the liquid layer, which create a strong magnetic field (磁场)around Earth—a barrier that protects life by blocking harmful particles from outer space.

The magnetism-driving inner core seems to be a recent arrival, however. In 2019 a team led by Professor John Tarduno at the University of Rochester, New York, Us, analysed chemicals in ancient rocks from Quebec Canada, which trap a record of the magnetic field at the moment they formed. The team found that 565 million years ago, Earth’s magnetism had less than 10% of its strength today. This suggests that the swirling of liquid metal, which had always produced a protective magnetic force, was growing weak.

Now, further work has shown that the field’s strength started to recover just before the Cambrian explosion—almost certainly driven by the newly formed inner core providing a fresh power source. It seems highly likely that the two events are somehow linked.

“I don’t think that the return of Earth’s magnetic field and the subsequent explosion of life on Earth can be unconnected” says Tarduno. Working out the exact nature of the connection, however, will need a lot more scientific research.

12.What does the underlined word “triggered” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Restricted.      B.Avoided.      C.Caused.      D.Slowed.

13.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.The inner core’s features.      B.The inner core’s structure.

C.The inner core’s motion.      D.The inner core’s development.

14.What are the findings of Tarduno’s research team?

A.Earth’s magnetism was very weak 565 million years ago.

B.The inner core acts as a barrier against harmful particles.

C.Ancient rocks’ chemicals save a record of the magnetic field.

D.The field’s strength started to weaken before the Cambrian explosion.

15.What future research will be probably carried out?

A.Causes of the explosion of ancient life.

B.Evidence for the exact character of the link.

C.Research methods adopted by Tarduno-led team.

D.Explanations for the return of Earth’s magnetic field.



Choose What to Remember, What to Forget

I was sorting through some boxes in the drawer last week when I came across a teddy bear from my childhood.____16____when I saw my faded old friend. In an instant I was reconnected with where I lived, who was around and how I felt.

____17____. I once had thrown away a pair of running shoes that reminded me of the difficult days. According to a recent study it’s possible to use thinking tricks to remove negative associations. And, in the process, you can learn a lot about how memory works — including how to get yours under control.

First, volunteers were shown how to create connections between an item and negative emotions. They did this using vivid mental imagery (意象) — linking a child’s sports shoes to images of a playground accident, for example, so that the object became uncomfortable to have nearby.____18____. And this turned out to be more than just a temporary distraction (分心). It gradually weakened the bad memories — in some cases, erasing them altogether.

____19____. And you can strengthen both of these factors when you want to remember. For example: pick up a favourite present and enjoy the pictures it brings to mind. On the other hand, when you want to forget the bad associations, practice pushing away any images.

The pictures you attach to things can connect you to some extremely powerful memories, for good or bad.____20____.

A.Unpleasant past memories flashed through my mind.

B.It shows that recall relies on associations and images.

C.Not all objects make such welcome memories, however.

D.Powerful memories flooded back from nearly 50 years before.

E.But the good news is that you can choose to remember the good things.

F.Again, strengthening the images will continually sharpen the memories.

G.Later, they were shown how to actively forget those feelings by pushing away any pictures.




Wang Shun became China’s first Olympic champion in the men’s individual medley event in Tokyo 2020. In a live chat, Wang reveals how years of struggles and setbacks____21____him into a world-beater.

Recalling his childhood, Wang has pleasant____22____of the moment that raised his initial curiosity about____23____. After that, Wang set a great goal that he wanted to be an Olympic____24____. He always trained seriously and often____25____to stay in the pool for long hours.

During his training, Wang____26____many setbacks and difficulties, and realized it would not be____27____to reach the top of swimming. In 2019,____28____, his performances were not ideal and he was really upset at the time about this. Then in June, he injured his ankle, which forced him to____29____two-week training and the recovery process was pretty_____30_____and he even thought about quitting.

_____31_____, Wang has a considerate coach Zhu Zhigen, who_____32_____with Wang and kept helping him improve mentally and physically. Zhu acts like parents toward his_____33_____—a level of care he displays for Wang to this day. Before the final at the Tokyo Olympics, the coach_____34_____guarded the door for Wang to ensure he slept well, because 10 athletes shared a room. With the help of his coach, Wang overcame all the_____35_____and got the first prize in Tokyo 2020.

21. A.tricked      B.turned      C.put      D.forced

22. A.challenges      B.stories      C.memories      D.hobbies

23. A.swimming      B.running      C.jogging      D.skating

24. A.volunteer      B.champion      C.player      D.coach

25. A.failed      B.hesitated      C.regretted      D.struggled

26. A.encountered      B.settled      C.understood      D.ignored

27. A.rewardable      B.suitable      C.visible      D.straightforward

28. A.on occasion      B.in general      C.on average      D.for instance

29. A.give up      B.stick to      C.get through      D.long for

30. A.slow      B.tough      C.smooth      D.boring

31. A.Hopefully      B.Eventually      C.Fortunately      D.Obviously

32. A.competed      B.associated      C.worked      D.accompanied

33. A.pupils      B.friends      C.assistants      D.colleagues

34. A.occasionally      B.especially      C.constantly      D.unwillingly

35. A.anxieties      B.puzzles      C.barriers      D.mistakes



The documentary filmThe Magical Craftsmanship of Suzhou, featuring Chinese intangible cultural heritages, was launched in Australia and New Zealand on July 28, 2022. Before launching, it was released in North America in June,____36____stimulated a wide discussion on the eastern aesthetics(美学)and the intangible cultural heritages. It gave the____37____(local) a close up look at how ancient handicrafts continue to color modern Chinese life.

The film,____38____(joint) produced by Suzhou Broadcasting Cooperation and Suzhou Protection and Management Office of Intangible Cultural Heritage, aims____39____(present) an elegant and fresh Chinese culture to overseas audiences. It mainly focuses____40____nine handicrafts with long-lasting lineages in Suzhou city and____41____(share) the story about Chinese artists, conveying the eastern manufacturing concepts and craftsmanship spirits.

Caitlin Nugent, a 26-year-old teacher from Sydney, attended one of the documentary’s screenings. She said she____42____(draw) by the process behind silk brocades(锦缎)and the film added to her dream of____43____(make) the trip to China that she had never been to. Peter Hannam,____44____writer, said the film gave an insight into the importance of passing_____45_____(tradition) skills from generation to generation.









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Students’ Union



Debbie, a 10-year-old boy, was living in North River Heights in upper Manhattan, New York. He had a rare medical facial deformity(畸形). Due to several surgeries, Debbie had been home-schooled by his mother, but as Debbie was approaching the fifth grade, his mother decided to send him to Beecher Prep, a mainstream private school.

In order to protect his face skin, Debbie had to apply ointment (药膏)to his face, which made him look like wearing a special face mask.

At the beginning of the schooldays, he was rejected by nearly the entire student body for his strange look, which was a difficult period for him. Luckily, a girl named Summer, who offered to sit with him on his first day of school, helped him get through the tough time. They often played together and chatted about their favourite subject—science. And they became good friends.

Gradually, Debbie’s outstanding learning ability and kind behaviour made him popular among students. Since Debbie was expert in science, his classmates would turn to him whenever they had problems in learning. Debbie was always more than willing to help them. Naturally his kindness and warm heart won him a group of good friends and Debbie’s classmates got used to the way his face looked as well.

On Halloween, Debbie’s school held varieties of festival activities, every classroom decorated with flowers and toys. All classmates were dressing up. Debbie joined in it and wore a Ghost Face mask and costume. They all had fun pretending to be their favorite characters. Unrecognized, he was walking through the door to his classroom when he overheard his classmate Jack telling his roommates: “I have never seen an uglier face than Debbie’s.” On hearing this, Debbie felt sad and disappointed, leaving secretly. Summer happened to stand behind Debbie and meet the incident, but it was too late to stop it. As Debbie’s best friend at school, Summer thought Debbie was a nice boy and deserved to be treated kindly.




After a second thought, Summer went to Jack’s room.__________
Jack decided to say sorry to Debbie._____________


[名题精选] 2023广东高三8月大联考(一)英语试题及参考答案

[名题精选] 2023湖北省联盟高三摸底联考(新高考)英语试题及答案

[名题精选] 2023 届广州市高三年级阶段训练英语试卷参考答案 2022.8


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